Version Changelog - What's new?

Firetail Changelog

Firetail v12.2.0, 2024-06-11

  • Batch export of auxiliary data like ODBA
  • Boris import: improved automatic format detection
  • Consistency checks for external annotations
  • Evaluation module for annotation layers and categories
  • new sample project KayHirCai2023
  • Ornitela: improved support for legacy file formats
  • Manual: section on hardware requirements

Firetail v12.1.0, 2024-04-30

  • TechnoSmart: filter samples with invalid timestamps (AxyTrackRemote)
  • Ornitela: fix reading accelerometer data from Movebank
  • Shapes: color geometries by category
  • KML: improved placemark handling

Firetail v12.0.3, 2024-03-22

  • Default separator for features is now “,”
  • Fix: checkbox state for outlier filter is ignored

Firetail v12.0.0, 2024-03-15

  • Revised annotation mechanisms: local projects
  • Annotations: support for the annotation of local projects (tag/ind/deploy)
  • FireSOM/Acc Segmentation: saved models restore the category prefix if available
  • FireSOM/Acc Segmentation: improved handling of saved category edits
  • FireSOM/Acc Segmentation: improved auto-save
  • FireSOM/Acc Segmentation: do not overwrite file history
  • Vectronic: convert Motion Data Manager folders to burst data
  • KML files: initial support for style maps
  • KML files: improved robustness of coordinate reading
  • Movebank Download: cleanup failed downloads (chunks)
  • Movebank Download: avoid timeouts by chunked downloads
  • Movebank Download: format entries
  • Movebank Download: add deploy ranges
  • GeoJson: timestamped placemarks
  • GeoJson: inital support for ‘’ data
  • Map Viewport: right click to copy coordinates
  • File types: read ‘.gps’ files as Movebank File Type
  • Licensing: support/update expiration reminders on startup
  • Licensing: respect license level when updating local Movebank Projects
  • Update 2024 copyright, mail addresses and links to
  • Outlier filter: option to filter outliers by maximum reachable distance
  • Outlier filter: option to filter outliers by status/type column
  • Progress Loader: fix check for empty file list
  • Africa Wildlife Tracking: allow for ‘(-)’ as missing value
  • Color by Annotation: cache invalidation
  • New layer: contrast layer for improved visibility
  • Shape files: color by field on right click
  • Shape points: blend with background
  • Shape points: visibility improvement
  • Points of interest: read shapes from csv resources
  • Points of interest from csv: improve shape groups
  • Accessory data: treat as separate grouping
  • Support for projects containing accessory data only
  • New setting: confirm open downloads
  • New sensor type: light
  • New sensor type: external temperature
  • New sensor type: barometric types
  • Convex Hull: Show convex hull for current bracketing
  • Quick facts: new context, 1h (6x10m)
  • Burst panel: fix for visible annotation lanes
  • Confirmation box: attach to main window
  • Revised tooltips

Firetail v11.1.4, 2023-12-20

  • Vectronic: support for ‘Position’ files
  • OpenCollar: initial support for json log import (port 2/4 data)
  • Argos: fix header recognition

Firetail v11.1.3, 2023-11-28

  • Burst Reader: apply burst split settings to TechnoSmart-like formats
  • BORIS: add support for quoted descriptions/fields in annotation files
  • BORIS: add support for STATE behavioral types

Firetail v11.1.2, 2023-11-13

  • Fix UTF-8 filename handling on Windows
  • Support for MoveApps-like CSV (dot-separated headers)

Firetail v11.1.1, 2023-10-24

  • Logging: increase network connection verbosity

Firetail v11.1.0, 2023-10-19

  • License handling: revised mechanism to enable licensed features
  • License handling: fix for free license handling
  • Export: Multi-animal KML export of Events by Time Bracket (full license)
  • Export: Multi-animal CSV export of Events by Time Bracket (full license)
  • Activity data: support for activity_x|y|z column types
  • FireSOM: predictions on ACT/GYRO features
  • Ornitela: support for 2023 style datasets
  • Ornitela: support for magnetometer data
  • Reporting: enable snapshots of report maps
  • QuickFacts: enable snapshots of boxplots
  • QuickFacts: Add tied rank handling to Wilcoxon rank sum statistic
  • QuickFacts: more compact window
  • QuickFacts: colored z-scores
  • QuickFacts: boxplot/statistics can now be scaled or hidden
  • Replay: adds 10s duration
  • Replay: adds ‘1s is 4h’
  • Custom formats: adds support for ‘height’ column (height above ellipsoid)
  • Custom formats (Auckland): adds support for some generic headers
  • Custom formats (Auckland): adds support for ’d/MM/yy h:mm:ss' timestamps
  • Fixes a crash regarding CDF plots
  • Initial support for ‘Not-a-tag’, experimental tag platform

Firetail v11.0.3, 2023-08-02

  • Reporting: paint valid tiles only
  • Reporting: fix scatter plot range error
  • Fix: access valid data only
  • 3D IMU preview: improve lighting
  • Reports: enable time constraints
  • Reports: Cleanup layout
  • Cutoff sensor values numerically
  • Improve text format in event panel
  • Option to pin quickFacts
  • Reporting: fixed out of range error
  • Improved memory handling for video exports
  • Fixed memory leak in KDE module
  • Interval to selection
  • Support for Vectronic Activity Data (5min intervals)
  • Improve report dialog interface

Firetail v11.0.1, 2023-07-04

  • Show warning for unsupported GeoTiff projections
  • Initial support for UTM for shape files
  • Geoid height conversion (MSL)
  • Reports: right-click saving for scatterplots
  • Reports: sort scatterplots by axis
  • Initial support for ENVDATA elevation
  • Use user-specific tile cache
  • Screenshot: add timestamp
  • Vectronic: support for ‘dd-MMM-yy h:mm:ss A’ timestamps
  • Add png extension to exportable report items

Firetail v11.0.0, 2023-06-19

  • Crash fixed for QuickFacts
  • Map: fix an issue with auto-fit
  • Burst Panel: do not reset time when groupings change
  • Burst Panel: keep grouping order for a session
  • Fix an issue of map track interpolation
  • ‘selection to bracket’ feature
  • QuickFacts: Real time statistics for one or multiple tags
  • Sample projects: adapt to new Movebank Repo structure
  • Sample projects: side-by-side layout
  • Sample projects: “start exploring”
  • Free edition: allow for 5 x 10s video exports per session
  • Free edition: allow for 5 screenshots per session
  • Group data menu entries
  • New svg icon set
  • Screenshot viewport
  • Improve timestamp readability
  • Automatically save FireSOM models
  • Video timestamp overlay readability
  • Arbitrary viewport aspects can be recorded
  • KML layout support
  • Improved shape file support
  • Reporting module PREVIEW
  • Report: field calibration
  • Report: activity plots
  • Report: map overview
  • Report: FireSOM reports
  • Report: track-track distances
  • Reports: basic statistics
  • Reports: time filtering
  • Reports: scatter plot matrix
  • Demo expiration message
  • Increased map paint robustness
  • GEOTiff, epsg:3857 projection hint

Firetail v10.0.3, 2023-03-23

  • Free Edition, scheduled update

Firetail v10.0.1, 2023-03-01

  • Avoid error message if no GPS data is downloaded

Firetail v10.0.0, 2022-12-22

  • Free Edition: load partial datasets if license limit is reached
  • Fix FireSOM crash on empty ACC data
  • Video export: warning if video saving fails
  • Video export: use yuv420p chroma for compatibility
  • Video export: show viewport dimensions
  • Fix crash if no annotations exist for coloring
  • Show read-in parameters on file loading
  • BORIS overlapping annotations
  • initial BORIS csv annotation support
  • Avoid crash if data header is unexpected
  • Fix consistency check on file read-in
  • Fix crash when on empty KDE box
  • Improve burst detection
  • FireSOM: improve handling of features with zero standard deviation
  • FireSOM: record and replay edits for predicted categories
  • Logic error for number of groupings exceeding the track index
  • Contour map lookup efficiency
  • improved KDE GUI
  • interactive KDE
  • Fixes for Box range estimation (KDE)
  • Improved robustness of location interpolation
  • Support for overlay of location info for geotiff data
  • Crash fixed when accessing map data
  • Mouse wheel handling improved on Mac

Firetail v9.5.0, 2022-10-10

  • Kernel Density Estimation (beta)
  • fixed crash on toggling gyroscope burst data
  • improved error handling
  • initial Milsar file format support
  • faster video rendering
  • revised mouse wheel handling for touchpads
  • improved stability on unknown filetypes
  • logo overlays for gif, bmp
  • do not refocus on annotations-to-selection
  • improved stability on SOM model loading
  • show last loaded bookmark in burst viewport
  • burst viewport scaling (Ctrl + ‘+'/'-')
  • timestamp readability improved
  • improved shape file support (points as scaled diamond)

Firetail v9.0.2, 2022-07-08

  • add wildlabs to sample screen
  • add e-obs to sample screen
  • annotation/export: associate GPS fixes with previous burst (light orange)
  • overlay custom logos on the map viewport
  • show current zoom level on roll over (map download helper)
  • split Movebank downloads to bypass size/time limitations
  • improved shape file support
  • elevated rights on Win no longer required

Firetail v9.0.0, 2022-07-08

  • batch download and update for individuals/tags/deployments
  • layout fix for settings menu
  • fix crash on trigger context menu
  • support for external annotations
  • build process: optimize import structure
  • build process: fix frequent warnings
  • Vector overlay: kml files
  • vector overlay: shape files
  • stand-alone map rendering
  • improved CsvReader Windows
  • extend Movebannk Argos file support
  • improved Argos format support
  • support for Technosmart X manager: exported csv data
  • detection of tab separated inputs
  • initial support for AWT (african wildlife tracking) formats
  • Movebank downloads: enable multiple downloads (multi-select)
  • Movebank downloads: disable OK button if no data is selected
  • interpret range download queries as UTC
  • streamed data access to large movebank files (timeout issue persists)
  • improved burst sample parser
  • faster data loading
  • precise indication of GPS fixes in burst view
  • revised color by annotation feature
  • fix crash when toggle MAG
  • fix copyright year

Firetail v8.0.4, 2022-04-19

  • Improved track rendering
  • Outlier filter
  • Improved ArgosDS support

Firetail v8.0.3, 2022-04-14

  • Deactivate joining of selected regions for hierarchical FireSOM
  • Large datasets: faster category deletion
  • Large datasets: faster track coloring by annotation
  • Fix crash on right-click in burst view

Firetail v8.0.0, 2022-04-06

  • Revised Manual
  • Amend status tips for user interface
  • Default FireSOM to 3x3
  • Improved tags ids for Movebank projects
  • Revised sample project visuals
  • Speed up annotation handling
  • Delete annotation categories
  • Interactive IMU calibration
  • Fix crash for acc-only projects
  • Read ‘orientation:quaternions-raw’
  • Save FireSOM models and apply without re-training
  • Initial support for audiologger wav-files (AUDIO bursts)
  • Event Viewer
  • Support non-empty attributes
  • Improved Ornitela/Vectronic burst detection
  • Split long bursts setting (Ornitela, Vectronic)
  • Filter short bursts setting (Ornitela, Vectronic)
  • Auto-detect bursts for Ornitela with varying sample rates
  • Set the color of the current map position for a track
  • Fix event-based sample count
  • Basic support for acceleration-raw-x/y/z
  • Download accessory data from Movebank projects
  • Process Movebank accessory data (acceleration-x/y/z)
  • Generate empty burst spaces to annotate without acceleration data
  • Revised Open Street Map server and maps
  • Generate selections from existing annotations
  • Improved robustness for xml processing
  • Fixed crash on sensor toggle

Firetail v7.0.1, 2022-01-10

  • Fix auxiliary attribute sorting

Firetail v7.0.0, 2021-12-09

  • FireSOM: automated acceleration data segmentation
  • Revise e-obs IMU dialog
  • Movebank access: time-restricted download (Full license)
  • Movebank: data synchronization
  • Movebank: improved REST API access
  • Movebank: change database ID handling
  • Extended download parameter dialog
  • IMU calibration: fusion as Euler angles
  • IMU calibration ‘clear target’ support
  • Quat Preview: show roll, pitch and yaw
  • Quat Preview: keep preview open with nearest position
  • Event data: show current values
  • Bookmarks: improved handling of burst zoom and checked sensors
  • Right click to set track colors
  • Quick search for local data
  • Save dialog parameters for a session
  • Watermark viewport
  • Hide zoom controls and timestamp when recording
  • TileCache: downloaded tiles expire
  • Fix for video export on Mac
  • Fix result list layout
  • Fix crash on malformed external annotation
  • Fix crash in Quat-data vizualisation
  • CSV export, swap position of longitude and latitude
  • Improve SSL error logging
  • Sample numbers use 64bit width
  • Free edition license key changed
  • New build server

Firetail v6.0.1, 2021-09-21

  • Fix license check for video recording
  • Version 6 documentation
  • sample projects: videos updated
  • fixed a crash in calibration of e-obs and acc data
  • burst attribute removal via menu
  • aux burst attributes are now part of annotation exports
  • viewport recording, shortcut ‘r’
  • toggle tag/individual name via key command ‘l’ (_l_abel)
  • toggle coordinates via key command ‘c’ (_c_oordinates)
  • read ‘time-to-fix’ attribute
  • group and timestamp bookmarking, import/export
  • sample projects: reference data included
  • sample projects: movebank and movebank repository
  • speed up painting of Firetails
  • Modis Chlorophyll - cache for interpolated tiles
  • wider support for timestamps
  • improved 3D MAG visuals

Firetail v5.0.6, 2021-07-01

  • improved error handling
  • Ornitela burst data

Firetail v5.0.5, 2021-06-17

  • LCS announcement URLs updated
  • NDVI URL updated

Firetail v5.0.4, 2021-06-17

  • Official Free Edition Release

Firetail v5.0.1, 2021-06-17

  • fixed blue marble tile sorting
  • revised manual
  • sensor-type: accessory-measurements
  • watermark for tiles
  • revised logging

Firetail v5.0.0, 2021-06-10

  • free edition w/o time restriction
  • IMU bird visual
  • improved Rest API download
  • support acc events coupled to gps-events
  • initial support for Ornitela formats
  • initial support for Vectronics formats
  • initial support for Technosmart tag formats
  • support for multiple columns of same attribute type (manufacturers)
  • smoother track following
  • fixed crash related to special characters in filenames/paths
  • enable Firetails for trajectories
  • filter duplicate gps events
  • improved thresholding on event data (less than, more than)
  • csv export with burst space auxiliaries
  • imporved drawing style
  • improved text visibility
  • heart rate data visualisation
  • cleanup smoothing routines
  • event space modification
  • hide empty auxiliary gps attributes
  • first-time attributes set visible
  • lane information for aux bursts and sample attributes
  • 3D rendering as separate module
  • improved burst data handling
  • auxiliary features/events extended
  • Modis Chloropyll layer
  • BMNG base layer
  • NDVI base layer
  • visible map scale
  • show metric distance to closes track point
  • trigger update check manually

Firetail v4.0.0, 2021-04-26

  • twitter/youtube/newsletter attached
  • buy firetail option
  • settings: use own Bing keys
  • improved File loading mechanisms
  • improved ReferenceData handling
  • improved annotation mechanism
  • file name suggestions for Movebank downloads
  • improved burst space annotation
  • improved unit conversion
  • improved window placement for smaller screens
  • full screen mode F11
  • newsletter linked
  • show values of threshold selection
  • improved stability

Firetail v3.6.0, 2021-03-09

  • improved file recognition for Movebank downloads
  • new time control layout
  • fix version comparison of updates
  • ECG burst space fix
  • e-obs calibration as background job
  • support for bundled licenses
  • fix for activity plots
  • revised visuals for e-obs acc preview
  • fixes negative counts when loading large files
  • fixes white tiles issue for Bing maps in Linux
  • reference data added to main tabs
  • fixes map event passing
  • load multiple movebank files at once
  • unified e-obs and movebank loading mechanism
  • sample projects now support acc data for multiple individuals
  • quick filter for movebank data selection
  • updated versioning for sample projects
  • Himalayan Vultures sample project added

Firetail v3.0.0, 2020-12-22

  • timestamp editing
  • improved time bracketing
  • threshold based region selection
  • cloud scene download by id
  • sample project versioning
  • improved sample project handling
  • improved zip file handling
  • fix: newline characters in movebank titles
  • revised logging mechanism
  • no windows console window for dev/prod releases
  • overall dynamic body acceleration calculation (experimental)
  • revised manual & video tutorials
  • sample scenes prepared for acc inclusion
  • fix mac library issue

Firetail v2.0.0, 2020-10-01

  • map download improvements
  • fix timestamp handling of eobs timestamps
  • timestamp milliseconds optional for EOBS style movebank files
  • sample project for IMU data
  • improved dynamic brownian movement models
  • prepare heart-rate related features
  • improvements of magnetic field scaling and calibration
  • minor fixes

Firetail v1.0.0, 2020-07-01

  • Improved navigation and data drilldown
  • Color tracks by attribute
  • GeoTiff overlays
  • Multi segment selection
  • Annotation support for bursts
  • Improved csv export for multiple annotation layers
  • Improved Layout
  • Fixed errors on high zoom levels
  • Windows progress bar fixed
  • User manual
  • New support address
  • Experimental: DBBMM heatmamp
  • Experimental: threshold selection via Ctrl+Leftclick (e.g. battery level)

Firetail v0.5.0, 2020-04-30

  • closing of scenes
  • improved license handling
  • improved data download
  • new acc annotation feature
  • time bracketing
  • improved EOBS file support
  • improved workflow
  • stability improved
  • video handling
  • major speed improvements
  • new sample projects view
  • improved split window layout
  • improved Movebank CSV support
  • macOS improvements
  • Windows improvements

Firetail v0.3.1, 2018-03-30

  • Fix a build error in Windows

Firetail v0.3.0, 2018-03-30

  • Initial version for Franz Kümmeth, e-obs GmbH