ML-assisted prediction of behavioral categories: the revised FireSOM algorithm attends to many details and simplifies daily challenges.
We proudly present Firetail 8!
Firetail features state-of-the art visualization of GPS records, acceleration data, inert magnetic unit (IMU) data and sensor data for wild animal tracking.
Firetail 8 ships with an improved version of FireSOM for machine-learning assisted annotation, featuring new powerful workflows for behavioral prediction and prediction refinement.

refinement via prediction of selected regions, read more details in our revised manual
Firetail 8 can work with the full stack of e-obs sensors and via handling de-facto Movebank standards Technosmart and a wide range of tag manufacturers can be loaded. Firetail 8 now features an advanced detection of bursts and revised import filters for continuously recorded events by Ornitela and Vectronic. All with large-scale, long-term studies in mind.
For your daily field work, Firetail 8 allows you to download map data in advance and process raw tag data whenever there is no network coverage.

interactively inspect goodness-of-fit for IMU orientation
For Movebank data, you can download specific time periods or retrieve data updates to your project.
Firetail 8 is perfectly suited for high-res orientation data. You can now interactively calibrate IMU segments and preview the model’s goodness-of-fit. Select specific time windows and see how your data matches the IMU calibration ellipsoid.
Download Firetail 8 today and be amazed to see your data come to life!